Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Tuesday--Looks Like Monday to Me

4/3/2012--This is the first day of the blog that is my depression diary. I have to remember to try not to make a big production out of it--it's not like my friends' political blogs or professional update pages. This is about me, and my daily struggle with an invisible disease that has been working very hard in the past 5 years to be a fatal one. I plan to blog for a year to start with, and we'll see how it goes from there.
Today has not been a great day in terms of circumstance, but so far I seem to be dealing with things with more aplomb and less sadness. I woke to find my unemployment benefits not paid because I have a form to return--yet again. That they just turn off my benefits without notice is horrible--hard to keep the family going on nothing. Thank god for friends, but I think my friendships have been taxed to the maximum, especially since being unemployed.
While sitting to drink tea and compose myself for going into the unemployment office to turn in my form, workout and then tackle my to do list, my sweet old lady Siamese kitty starts the regurgitation motions. I get her off the bed, AWAY from my slippers, and then go get stuff to clean up. I am congratulating myself on the way because, not too long ago, I'd have thrown a paper towel over it and just let it go for the time being. I know--icky, but that's depression and not wanting to deal with reality.
So--go to throw the dirty paper towels in the toilet (trash was full & they smelled anyway) and I clogged the toilet, causing it to overflow. I mopped it up, using cleaner and making sure all the puddles were absorbed.
Does this sound like normal stuff to do? Yes, yes it is. A bad day, maybe, but most folks know how to deal with this. Maybe cursing, maybe singing--I dunno, but most people don't look at it as an accomplishment to clean this up. It simply has to happen, right? 
Well, for me it's an accomplishment. I cleaned it up. I'm not letting it get in the way of today--I still plan to go work out, still need to go to the unemployment office, still need to clean the other things that need cleaning. Today depression does not win and I do NOT go back to bed and hide. I do NOT play computer games until my mind turns to jelly. I do NOT watch TV until my brain seeps out my ears. I do NOT spend money I don't have reading crappy fiction until I fall asleep. Today, at least for today, I live.
It's only noon thirty, though. I'll update later, but let's see how it all plays out.
Thanks for reading my blog. If it helps you, great. If you know someone with the same condition and think it would help them, terrific. There will be bad days in my future, but with love and support, I'll get through them. And I'll write about them here, so others know they're not alone. 

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